Pressure Washing Peachtree City GA
Peckett and Sons Pressure Washing in Peachtree City GA
Peckett and Sons Pressure Washing can handle any residential or commercial pressure washing job you may have. Pressure washing concrete patios, driveways and sidewalks and soft washing houses are their specialties, and you can find them within the FireTrack App!

What department do you work for, how long have you worked there and what is your current rank?
Peachtree City Fire Rescue 8 years
What other special skill/certifications/awards have you earned within the Fire Service?
EX-CAPTAIN in NY, Master Firefighter PCFR
Your Business Name and Classification:
Peckett and Sons Pressure Washing
Pressure Washing / Softwash
What does your business offer and what sets you apart from “normal contractors”?
Soft washing of homes and business, concrete cleaning, Heavy Machinery
What is the job you are most proud of that you have done within your business?
Chick Fil A as our monthly account
What is the funniest thing you have seen while doing an estimate or job?
A 3 legged dog chasing cars down the road.
Where do you see your Fire Department career in 5 years?
Where do you see your business in 5 years?
God Blessing have Business all year long.
What is the best advice you can offer a potential client looking for services like yours in your industry?
Cheap is your enemy, We have cleaned many of the cheap guys work up.
What is your why? (Why do you get up every day and go to the FD or your other job(s)?
FD for the love of the Job. Pressure Washing spending time with my kids and wife we all work for the business
If you could change one thing in the business world, Fire Department or private sector, what would it be?
get rid of the companies that don't take pride in their work